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Cornflower care: tips for a healthy plant

10 May 2023

Would you like to decorate your garden with the beauty of cornflowers ? Or maybe you just want to grow a single cornflower in a flowerpot? No matter what purpose you are growing a cornflower for, care is vital to a healthy plant. In this article we will show you how to properly care for your cornflowers and keep them healthy. From choosing the location to watering and fertilizing, we give you valuable tips for a healthy plant.

Cornflower care: tips for a healthy plant

site selection

The first step to a healthy cornflower plant is choosing the right location. Cornflowers need plenty of sunlight and prefer a spot that gets at least six hours of sunlight per day. A sunny location promotes the growth and development of the flowers. So choose a sunny spot to get a healthy plant.

soil condition

Cornflowers prefer light, well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients. The soil should be slightly acidic to neutral. If the soil is too heavy or too moist, this can stunt the plant's growth. Therefore, make sure that the soil is well drained and loose.


Cornflowers need water regularly, especially during the growing and flowering season. However, make sure that the soil is not too wet, as this can promote diseases such as mold. So water the cornflowers regularly, but be careful not to get the soil too wet.


Cornflowers require regular nutrients to grow and bloom. You can fertilize them with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer during the growing season. Avoid overfeeding, however, as this can stunt the plant's growth. If you want to use an organic fertilizer, you can use compost or manure to fertilize your cornflowers.

pest and disease control

Cornflowers can be susceptible to various pests and diseases. Watch for signs of pests like aphids or spider mites. If you spot pests on your cornflowers, you can treat them with an insecticide. If you notice disease symptoms like leaf spot or fungus, you should remove the affected parts of the plant and make sure the plant is getting adequate ventilation.

frequently asked Questions

Do I have to cut cornflowers in winter?

Yes, you should prune cornflowers in winter to encourage growth in spring. Cut back the plants to a height of about 15-20 cm from the ground.

How often should I water my cornflowers?

Cornflowers need water regularly, especially during the growing and flowering season. Water the plants regularly, but be careful not to over-wet the soil.

How can I protect my cornflowers from pests?

Make sure your cornflowers have adequate ventilation and avoid over-fertilizing. If you spot pests on your plants, you can treat them with an insecticide.

Caring for cornflowers requires a certain amount of attention and care, but it's worth it when you look at the beautiful blooms. By choosing the right location, preparing the soil, providing adequate watering, fertilizing, and controlling pests and diseases, you can grow a healthy cornflower plant. We hope our cornflower care tips will help you keep your plants healthy and vigorous. If you want to know how to plant cornflowers, have a look at our blog.

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