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Why is rose water so expensive? The truth behind the price of rose water.

08 May 2023

Have you ever used rose water in your life and wondered why it's so expensive? You're not alone. Rose water is a popular beauty product used by many people around the world. It has many skin benefits and is often used in the skin care industry. However, despite its popularity, it is also known for its high price. In this article we will examine why rose water is so expensive and what is behind the price.

Why is rose water so expensive?

production process

Another important factor affecting the price of rose water is the production process. Rose water is made by steam distillation, a laborious and time-consuming process that requires a lot of manual work.

The rose petals are harvested by hand and must be fresh for the best result. The flowers are then placed in a special distillation chamber filled with water. During the distillation, steam is passed through the chamber to extract the essential oils from the rose petals. The steam and rose oil are then sent to a condenser where the rose water is extracted from the oil and steam.

This process is very complex and requires a lot of time and patience. Also, the distillation process has to be very precise to ensure the rose water is of the highest quality. Most rose water manufacturers use special equipment to ensure the process is accurate and effective.

Another factor that can affect the price of rose water is the amount of rose petals used to make it. The more rose petals used, the higher the quality of the rose water and the more expensive it tends to be.

Overall, the production process of rose water is very complex and requires a lot of manual work and special equipment. The quality of rose water depends on many factors, including the quality of the rose petals, the distillation process, and the amount of rose petals used. All of these factors affect the price of rose water, making it an expensive but valuable product.


The quality of the rose petals is a key factor affecting the price of rose water. Only high quality rose petals can produce high quality rose water.

There are certain varieties of rose petals that are preferred for making rose water. The damask rose is one of the most commonly used types of roses. This rose is prized for its intense fragrance and high oil content. Other types of roses that can be used to make rose water include the apple rose, bourbon rose, and centifolia rose.

It is important to ensure that the rose petals are fresh and of high quality to get the best rose water. Rose petals that are already wilted or damaged can affect the aroma and quality of the rose water.

The way the rose petals are grown can also affect the quality of the rose water. Roses that have been treated with pesticides and other chemicals can leave residues in the rose water and affect the quality. It is therefore important to ensure that the rose flowers have been grown without the use of pesticides and other chemicals.

The quality of the water used in making rose water is another important factor. The water should be of high quality and free from contaminants to ensure the rose water is of the highest quality.

Overall, the quality of rose water depends on many factors, including the quality of the rose petals, the way they are grown, and the quality of the water used in their manufacture. A high-quality rose water is often more expensive, but it offers many benefits for the skin and is appreciated by many people for its high quality.


The origin of rose water can also have an impact on the price. Rose water is traditionally made in countries in the Middle East and South Asia, where rose culture has a long history.

For example, countries known for their rose culture include Iran, Morocco, India, and Bulgaria . Each country has its own traditional methods of making rose water and its own specific types of roses that are preferred.


Iran is one of the most famous countries in terms of rose culture and rose water production. Iranian rose water is known for its intense fragrance and high quality. The rose water is made from the damask rose grown in the city of Kashan. The rose petals are harvested by hand and distilled in copper stills. You can find out more about Iranian rose water here.


In Morocco, rose water is made from the Rosa Damascena grown in the Kelaat M'gouna region. The rose water is made in traditional copper stills that have been passed down from generation to generation.


India is also a well-known country for the production of rose water. The rose water is made from the Rosa Damascena or Rosa Centifolia grown in the town of Kannauj. The rose water is traditionally made in copper stills heated with sandalwood fire.


Bulgaria is also known for its rose culture and rose water production. The rose water is made from the Rosa Damascena grown in the city of Kazanlak. The rose water is produced in copper stills that are fired with wood.

Overall, the origin of rose water has an impact on the price, as production methods and the quality of rose petals can vary in each country. Rose water from countries with a long history of rose culture and rose water production is often considered to be of higher quality and therefore more expensive. You can find out more about rose water from Bulgaria here.


packaging and marketing

Packaging and marketing are other factors that can affect the price of rose water.

Some manufacturers rely on elaborate and attractive packaging to make the product more attractive and to set it apart from other rose water products. This can include, for example, expensive glass bottles or special closures that make the product appear particularly high-quality.

Marketing also plays an important role. Manufacturers can use targeted advertising and marketing campaigns to make their products better known and thus achieve a higher price for their rose water. In the area of ​​natural cosmetics and wellness products in particular, targeted marketing campaigns can help to position the product as particularly high-quality and health-promoting, thus justifying the price.

In addition, the sales strategy can also have an impact on the price. Products only available in select stores or online may command a higher price due to limited availability.

In summary, the packaging, marketing and distribution strategy can all have an impact on the price of rose water. Manufacturers who rely on attractive packaging, targeted marketing and limited availability can achieve a higher price for their product.

Rosewater FAQ

Can I make rose water at home?

Yes, rose water can be made at home. All you need are rose petals and distilled water. However, it is important to ensure that the rose petals are of high quality to ensure the rose water is of good quality.

Can rose water be used on all skin types?

Yes, rose water is suitable for all skin types. It can help soothe and moisturize the skin and can even help with skin conditions like acne or rosacea.

Can I use rose water in food?

Rose water is often used in the kitchen to flavor dishes and desserts. However, it is important to ensure that the rose water is safe for consumption and does not contain any additives.

Overall, there are many reasons why rose water is so expensive. The complex production process, the high quality of the rose petals, the origin, the packaging and the marketing are all factors that can influence the price. Despite the high price, however, rose water is a popular beauty product that has many benefits for the skin and is used by many people around the world. If you're looking for high-quality rose water, you should look to trusted brands and manufacturers to ensure you're getting the best bang for your buck.

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